It has been said that dogs are man’s best friend. There is no denying how much love and happiness these furry companions can bring us in addition to providing unwavering loyalty and protection. While any dog breed can be a wonderful addition to your home, there are few as amazing as the Black Russian Terrier. […]

It has been said that dogs are man’s best friend. There is no denying how much love and happiness these furry companions can bring us in addition to providing unwavering loyalty and protection. While any dog breed can be a wonderful addition to your home, there are few as amazing as the Black Russian Terrier.

The Black Russian Terrier, often abbreviated as BRT, is an intelligent and kind dog that has won the hearts of dog owners around the world. Many have never come across this breed in person, but once you do, you’ll be smitten for life by this majestic dog.

Whether you’re considering adopting a Black Russian Terrier or simply interested in learning more about this rare breed, this comprehensive guide has all the information you will need. We will cover everything from the dog’s physical traits, size, and personality to its history, grooming tips, and more!

Black Russian Terrier Characteristics (Physical)

This large canine breed can seem intimidating at first but the Black Russian Terrier is incredibly gentle and beautiful. Although they share a common name, dog breeds of the terrier group differ from the BRT. The Black Russian Terrier is technically not a terrier (confusing, right?), so, it has many different physical traits.

Black Russian Terriers have deep, broad chests, a straight firm back, and a sturdy frame. This imposing breed is also quite agile and moves swiftly on its strong forelegs. Their paws are big and round with matching black nails.

While their head is large, it is proportional to their neck and body. The medium-sized oval black eyes of this dog often appear covered by its fur. This stylish breed also features a mustache and fancy matching beard and a large black nose.

The thick tail of the Black Russian Terrier is set high at a 45-degree angle and curls upwards at the end of the tail. It is also common for their tails to be docked.

Black Russian Terrier Dog Breed Size

Like most larger breeds, Black Russian Terriers are gentle giants. On average, male Russian Terriers can grow up to 27 to 30 inches tall at the shoulder. Females are slightly smaller, growing to about 26 to 29 inches. These large dogs can be as tall as five feet when they stand on their hind legs.

These dogs are heavy but that is typical for this breed. Males can weigh up to 100 to 140 pounds and female Russian Black Terriers range between 80 to 120 pounds. Their immense size makes them an excellent guard dog while their personality makes them a family-friendly pet.

Black Russian Terrier Personality

Each puppy has its own unique personality that develops as they mature into an adult dog. While all Black Russian Terriers have their own individual personality and quirks, there are shared traits within the breed.

Below are some of the most common character traits seen in the Black Russian Terrier.

Alert But Calm

The AKC categorizes this breed as a guard dog in the working dog breed group. Due to their origins as a working dog, they may be aloof towards friends and visiting family members. This is so they can focus on alerting you to any unwanted intruders who may be trespassing.

These dogs radiate tranquility and know how to keep their cool. Training them early can further strengthen their calm demeanor. If you value a peaceful home, you’ll be happy to learn that Black Russian Terriers are good at co-existing with other pets within the home.

Protective and Loyal

The Black Russian Terrier will defend you and your family in emergency situations as they make excellent guard dogs. This dog breed is devoted to its owner and will follow them around the home to ensure they’re safe.

This dog is very attached to its owner and family. The Black Russian Terrier is vigilant, but not aggressive and will wait to be approached by a potential threat before alerting its owners.


Working dogs are often highly intelligent and BRTs are no exception. These smart dogs will use their reasoning abilities to determine the best response to the actions of a house guest or intruder.


Dog owners can provide mental stimulation for their pets by testing their dog’s intelligence with challenging dog sports. Due to the Black Russian Terrier’s high intelligence, they are quick learners and respond well to doggy training.


Black Russian Terriers are smart, strong, beautiful, and kind. These canines are very gentle with children and other pets. They prefer to stay indoors and keep their family company. When they’re off guard duty, they enjoy playtime with their family and receiving plenty of pets from favorite houseguests.

Black Russian Terrier Dog Breed Exercise

Black Russian Terriers have moderate energy levels and exercise needs despite their large size. That being said, this dog breed is very capable and can be your running buddy, play catch with your kids, or participate in dog sports. To maintain their health and well-being, plan on providing this dog breed with at least 30 to 40 minutes of daily physical activity.

  • Walks: Enjoy a brisk walk around the neighborhood with your BRT or spend half a day hiking with them on a peaceful scenic trail. Walking is a way to help your BRT meet their daily activity requirements. If you’re looking to get more active, your BRT can even join you for a run.
  • Dog Sports: Participating in dog sports or competitions is a great way to keep your Black Russian Terrier active and mentally stimulated. BRTs do well in sports that involve obedience, agility, and rallies.
  • Dog Games: Fetch is one of the easiest games to play with dogs. You can use a ball or frisbee and watch your Black Russian Terrier chase after it. Children can also participate in these games by throwing the ball or frisbee for the dog. If you have a spare rope at home (if not pet stores sell them), you can play tug-o-war with your pup by having them pull on one end while you pull the other end.

Failing to meet a Black Russian Terrier’s exercise needs may lead to unwanted or destructive behaviors. Any dog with excess energy has the potential to damage things within your home if they become bored.

Training a Black Russian Terrier

In a perfect world, the instant a dog was adopted they would become fully trained. However, the reality is that training requires time, patience, and a lot of hard work for both the dog owner and the pet. Training a Black Russian Terrier shouldn’t be viewed as a chore, but rather as a chance to build enjoyable memories and strengthen your bond with them.

Training is a crucial part of your dog’s development and you should start planning it the moment you bring your BRT puppy home. Once your Black Russian Terrier is a few months old, you should start training them and continue for the rest of their life. Puppies are more likely to absorb commands than adult dogs, so it’s best to lock in desired behaviors as soon as possible as they can be more difficult to train later on.

Positive reinforcement techniques are a great way to keep your dog feeling confident and motivated to follow your commands. Helping them to associate praise and rewards with commands is one of the best ways to train your dog.

The BRT breed is very intelligent and isn’t afraid to impose its will. By being kind and firm during training sessions, you will establish yourself as the leader. If you’d rather enlist the help of a professional, sign your Black Russian Terrier up for training classes.


Exposing your dog to different dogs, pets, children, and people can help them acclimate to different stimuli. The more exposure your Black Russian Terrier receives to different environments, sounds, and people, the better they will adapt to the world around them.

To ensure your BRT will be able to live peacefully with other dogs and cats in the future, you must socialize them from an early age. Having other pets around the house can help them feel less lonely when your family is out of the house.

Obedience Training

Trying to have your puppy perform a basic command like “sit” may take multiple attempts. Obedience training takes time and requires patience to master but it is a worthwhile pursuit.

Black Russian Terriers can eventually learn advanced tricks and commands because they are so intelligent. Below are some skills your dog will be able to learn

  • Sit
  • Heel
  • Down
  • Stay
  • Wait
  • Off
  • Rolling Over
  • Come

Enrolling them in puppy kindergarten can also be a great way to help them socialize with other puppies and learn basic commands and behaviors.

Crate Training

A Black Russian Terrier is meant to live indoors, not be isolated outdoors away from its family. If you’d prefer your dog not to sleep in your bed you can get them a crate. Crates provide a cozy and safe space for your dog to find refuge.

Crate training goes hand in hand with potty training. A house-trained Black Russian Terrier is a must or they will have messy accidents around the house and ruin your carpet or furniture. Getting your dog comfortable with their crate is helpful because it will prime them for temporary confinement, like when they need to heal from an injury or hide from loud fireworks.

Black Russian Terrier Dog Breed History

The history of the Black Russian Terrier breed begins at the Red Star Kennel in Russia. The Red Star Kennel was the first breeding ground for this fluffy canine.

At this point in Russia’s history, they were recovering from the aftermath of a revolution, the First and Second World Wars, and economic struggles. Despite the decades of turbulence, the Soviet Union emerged as a world power. To aid the nation’s soldiers and police patrol its different territories the need for a new kind of working dog appeared.

Tucked away in a hidden location, the Red Star Kennel and its dog breeders didn’t have many resources. They started trying to develop the perfect dog by mixing different breeds. The result was a sturdy and reliable working dog with an outer coat made to survive the freezing winter, high intelligence for command comprehension, and the endurance to chase enemies for miles.

Dog researchers have been able to differentiate 17 different dog breeds within the Black Russian Terrier line. BRTs were bred with dogs such as the Airedale Terrier, Giant Schnauzer, and Great Danes.


Below is a look at the Black Russian Terrier’s developmental timeline.

  • The 1940s: The earliest version of the Black Russian Terrier is successfully bred by a Soviet kennel, the Red Star.
  • 1958: The Soviet army publishes the first Black Russian Terrier breed standard.
  • 1981: The BRT breed is officially established by the Soviet Ministry of Agriculture.
  • 2004: After slowly being introduced to the US for over a decade, the AKC officially recognizes Black Russian Terriers and places them into the working group category.

This dog breed is nicknamed the “Black Pearl of Russia” thanks to its beauty and brawn. Although they are admired around the globe for their intelligence, size, and hardiness, Black Russian Terriers are very difficult to obtain. Even if you are able to find one, breeders do not recommend this breed for first-time dog owners.

Common Health Problems Found in Black Russian Terriers

Generally, Black Russian Terriers are very healthy but they can still be prone to a few common health problems.

Typically, healthy BRTs have an average lifespan of 10 to 12 years. As with any health concern or illness, early detection is crucial for ensuring a complete recovery or preventing more severe issues. Familiarizing yourself with the most common health issues can help keep your dog healthy and happy for years to come.

Hip and Elbow Dysplasia

Hip Dysplasia occurs when a defect causes a dog’s thigh bone to fit improperly in the hip joint. Elbow Dysplasia is very similar but only affects the joints near the front limbs and elbows.

This condition makes basic activities like running and jumping uncomfortable for your Black Russian Terrier. If these conditions are not treated quickly enough, your dog may suffer lameness.

Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)

Progressive Retinal Atrophy is an eye condition characterized by the gradual deterioration of the retina. Signs may include your dog having difficulty walking or frequently bumping into objects.

Eventually, this condition will leave your dog completely blind. Thankfully, dogs, including Black Russian Terriers, are smart animals that can adapt to their settings quickly using their other heightened senses.

Urinary Tract Stones

Dogs can be prone to bladder stones, which can cause painful urination.  If left unchecked, urinary tract stones can cause serious health risks for your BRT. Bladder stones can be treated quickly when discovered by a vet with prescription medication or even surgery.


Regardless of breed, obesity is a common problem in dogs. When dog owners overfeed their dogs, their pets can several health and weight issues.

Typically speaking, obese dogs are more prone to serious health conditions that may be fatal. This condition is easy to prevent. Just make sure to be consistent with your dog’s food intake and provide plenty of exercise opportunities.

The best way to ensure your Black Russian Terrier enjoys a long life is to properly care for them and to only adopt from honest breeders and rescues. In the next section, we will discuss several tips to make you the best pet parent ever!

How to Care for a Black Russian Terrier

When welcoming a new dog into your home, one of the first steps for many owners is creating a checklist of essentials to ensure their new furry friend’s comfort. Properly caring for your Black Russian Terrier involves providing the necessary resources and pampering them to the best of your ability. Ready to become the ultimate pet parent? Here are some tips to help you get started.

Safe Place to Retreat

When dogs get scared from loud noises like fireworks and thunderstorms, they need a safe space where they can hide. A comfortable crate makes the ideal spot for your Black Russian Terrier to retreat to. If you’re feeling creative, you can decorate it as well to make it more inviting. A crate makes a great place to hold your BRT’s sleeping may and dog toys.

Doggy Toys

Having a frisbee or tennis ball for outdoor play is a great idea for your Black Russian Terrier. You should also purchase some chewing toys when they’re puppies with growing teeth.

Smart dogs like Black Russian Terriers also enjoy the mental stimulation that comes with puzzles and treat-dispensing toys. Toys like these will keep your dog entertained and give them a sense of accomplishment.

Routine Veterinary Visits

Regular check-ups with a veterinarian are crucial for identifying potential health conditions that may go unnoticed. They also offer a valuable opportunity to discuss any questions, comments, or concerns you have about your Black Russian Terrier’s health. If you’re uncertain about specific dog products or treatments, you can get expert guidance and recommendations during your vet visit.

Nutrition and Feeding for a Black Russian Terrier

You can share the responsibility of feeding your Black Russian Terrier with your family. Feeding the dogs can be a simple chore even your kids can handle.

Proper nutrition and feeding will help your BRT to live a happy and healthy life. When calculating how much to feed your Black Russian Terrier, consider your dog’s size, age, and weight to figure out how much food your dog should consume. Ideally, a Black Russian Terrier should consume 3 to 4.5 cups of high-quality dog food. This food should be split into two daily meals.

When it comes to dog food, quality should never be compromised. Opting for premium dog food crafted from natural ingredients, and free from harmful byproducts or preservatives, is the best choice for your pet’s health and well-being.

With the assistance of a veterinary nutritionist, dogs can also enjoy a home-cooked meal. When it comes to treats, look for snacks that can offer important nutritional value to a dog’s diet.

There are specific fruits and vegetables that make great treats for dogs like bite-sized carrots and blueberries. Eggs and unseasoned cooked salmon also provide excellent sources of protein for Black Russian Terriers.

To keep your dog safe, avoid feeding them chocolate, onions, chives, and garlic. The accidental ingestion of these items may lead to stomach issues, vomiting, or diarrhea for your dog.

Coat Color And Grooming

Black Russian Terriers are limited to only one coat color. The only acceptable coat color for this breed is black. Their hairy coal black coat does benefit from routine grooming.

Be wary of breeders attempting to sell BRT puppies in coat colors different from black. Different coat colors generally mean the breed has mixed with other breeds. That being said, it is not unusual for some Black Russian Terriers to have a few gray hairs throughout their coat.

The dense, tousled hair of the Black Russian Terrier’s coat can be about two to five inches in length. While this large breed does not shed a lot, daily brushing is recommended to help spread healthy skin oils through its double coat. To keep their coat looking good, you should trim your BRT’s hair every two to three months.

Grooming Tips

In addition to brushing their coat, you should also include the following hygienic habits in your dog’s weekly grooming sessions.

  • Dental Hygiene: When done in conjunction with their basic training, your dog will become comfortable having its teeth cleaned weekly. Brushing your dog’s teeth removes tartar buildup. This can be done with the use of a dog-friendly toothbrush.
  • Nail Trims: If you hear a clicking sound whenever your Black Russian Terrier walks by, their nails may be overgrown which can be painful for your dog. Everyday activity should help wear the nails down, but you should check their nails once a month to be safe.
  • Bath: Baths can help keep their coat looking wonderful. Be careful not to bathe your dog too much, or it may develop dry skin. Depending on the dog’s breed and coat type, you should plan to bathe your dog every two or three months.
  • Parasite Inspection: Have you noticed your dog scratching itself more than usual? It could be lice, mites, or fleas which feed off your dog’s skin and blood. Using a specialized doggy comb, you can check for any unwanted pests on your dog.
  • Debris Cleaning: Use your weekly grooming session with your dog as an opportunity to check its ears and eyes for dirt. Use a soft cotton ball to clean its ears and eyes of any unwanted debris.

Children And Other Pets

Black Russian Terriers are known for their calm demeanor around children and their ability to tolerate other pets. Despite their intimidating size, this large breed dog naturally takes on a protective role over children in the household and enjoys playing with them.

While this dog has a naturally gentle temperament, they are much more relaxed around children if they have undergone needed socialization during their early years. These working dogs also have the energy and endurance to keep up with your kids all day.

While Black Russian Terrier breeds can happily live with other dogs and cats, they don’t do as well around smaller pets like rodents and hamsters and you should avoid having them around your dog.

Black Russian Terrier Dog Rescue Groups

When dog owners cannot meet the needs of their Black Russian Terrier they often forfeit them to rescues. Thankfully, there are so many compassionate rescue groups that can rehome these rescue dogs. Below are two wonderful Black Russian Terrier rescue groups to check out during your adoption search.

  • Black Russian Terrier Rescue Association: With the help of many hardworking volunteers, this rescue organization finds and rehomes Black Russian Terriers. This rescue organization works in partnership with many different adoption centers nationwide.
  • Rescue Me!: This large and diverse rescue group is beloved for helping rehome dogs and other animals too!

Black Russian Terrier Dog Breed Organizations

Adopting a BRT puppy is very pricey. Make sure to only adopt Black Russian Terriers from a reputable breeder or a trusted rescue organization.

It’s important to request health clearances from a breeder if you are interested in adopting a puppy from them. Trusted breeders will always be transparent about any potential health risks of their puppy litter.

  • Black Russian Terrier Club of America: The official club for Black Russian Terriers works to connect people with certified breeders. They also provide a network for dog owners to discuss events and tips for the Black Russian Terrier.
  • Guardian Bears Kennel: Guardian Bears Kennel is an award-winning breeding organization based out of North Carolina. Many of the dogs from this fabulous group have gone on to win awards.

More About the Black Russian Terrier

The Black Russian Terrier is an extra-large fluffy friend. This rare breed may be tricky to find, but they are worth the difficult search as a Black Russian Terrier brings so much joy to the right family.

This dog’s needs make them a bit more advanced and better suited for an experienced dog owner. We hope that this thorough guide helped answer all your questions about the majestic Black Russian Terrier.