Looking to do dog ownership on easy mode? Meet the Whippet! The Whippet dog is an affectionate furry friend who loves walks and is not prone to excessive barking. There are hundreds of dog breeds and groups to choose from and they all have the potential to form a special bond with their owner. Although […]

Looking to do dog ownership on easy mode? Meet the Whippet! The Whippet dog is an affectionate furry friend who loves walks and is not prone to excessive barking.

There are hundreds of dog breeds and groups to choose from and they all have the potential to form a special bond with their owner. Although they all have unique personalities and character traits, dogs are all capable of being loyal and loving.

The Whippet dog is a wonderful pet to consider adding to your household. In this in-depth guide, we will discuss the rich history and fascinating history of the Whippet. If you follow along, you will discover there are many reasons to love this distinguished dog!

Whippet Dog Characteristics (Physical)

The Whippet is easily one of the most recognizable breeds for its sleek appearance and inverted-S-shaped body. Whippets look very similar to the Greyhound, although they are much smaller in size. Sometimes referred to as “the poor man’s Greyhound”, Whippets have long faces with flappy pinkish ears when viewed from the side. These sighthounds also have prominent round, oval-shaped black eyes.

The head rests upon a long, well-arched muscular neck that extends gracefully over its shoulders. Long front legs extend from a deep chest, and its back is beautifully arched.

With an overall muscular appearance, the Whippet has a short, smooth coat. Unlike other dogs, this breed’s ribcage is meant to be visible, so don’t panic when you notice this physical trait and accidentally overfeed them.

Whippets have long tails that they tuck between their hind legs when at rest. When running, their tails extend outward with a slight curve at the end.

Hound dogs are famous for their powerful hind legs and Whippets are no exception. The long and strong hind legs of this dog breed allow them to jump, walk, and run gracefully. Furthermore, their natural leg structure helps them to do a double suspension gallop and reach an impressive speed of 35 mph. These natural athletic traits are responsible for one of their other nicknames, ‘the poor man’s racehorse’.

Whippet Dog Breed Size

Male Whippets can grow up to 18 to 22 inches tall when measured at the shoulder and weigh between 18 to 48 pounds once they reach full maturity. Females are only slightly smaller when compared to their male counterparts and are similar in size.

The Whippet’s light weight and small size make them excellent lap dogs. Their petite size and powerful build make them both a wonderful cuddle buddy for the family and an incredible running partner.

Whippet Personality

More than just their eye-catching looks, these dogs have amazing personalities. It’s important to consider a dog’s temperament before you begin the process of adopting or buying a puppy. Loyalty, intelligence, and kindness are all three traits you will want in your future dog.

Genetics, training, socialization, and upbringing can all influence a dog’s overall personality. While each Whippet is unique, below are some of the most common overall personality traits they share.


Barking is a means of communicating many things for dogs, including wanting to play or feeling scared. While some breeds are prone to excessive barking, Whippets are typically pretty quiet and well-behaved.

Generally speaking, Whippets don’t bark without reason and on the whole, bark far less than other breeds. Their serene personality makes them an ideal fit for families who worry about dogs potentially waking up their sleeping children or annoying the neighbors.

Affectionate & Gentle

Some dogs can be super intimidating because of their appearance and bark, but this does not apply to the Whippet. They love being inside with their family and are very gentle with children. They’re happy to spend their days playing with their family or just snoozing on the couch all day.

As a sign of affection, Whippets will rub their heads on you. While they are friendly, they can be shy around strangers, and much prefer being in the presence of their families.

Keen Intelligence

Whippets are incredibly intelligent dogs. Dog owners have often observed Whippets using their intellects to sneakily grab a treat when no one is watching. Pet owners have also reported this smart dog being able to open doors and drawers on their own.

You can see their intelligence on full display when they’re competing through coursing rallies or on the hunt. Training a Whippet is pretty easy as they can quickly pick up commands and tricks.


Despite their sweet faces, Whippets have an expression characterized by attentiveness. They are valued as useful watchdogs due to their exceptional vision.

Because they are hound dogs, Whippets can become prey-driven when they spot a small animal. It’s recommended to keep them on leashes during walks to prevent them from chasing prey and potentially running off.

Whippets can be trained to ignore these instincts. It’s best to introduce training early on to your puppy so they can develop better behavior.

Whippet Dog Breed Exercise

The Whippet is a unique breed as it likes to maintain a calm energy when indoors but quickly shifts gears the minute they step outside. The Whippet loves to run around while outside and play. As a member of the high-energy hound group, it’s important to provide them with plenty of exercise to help them burn off some of that energy.

Since Whippets have been developed to have a strong instinct for chasing small prey or game, the need to sprint or run is hardwired for them. It’s best to take them on long walks or allow them to run around in a fenced open area. Playing fetch or taking them out on runs are two other great ways to keep your Whippet active.

Apartment-dwellers without a yard can bring their Whippet out on multiple walks throughout the day. Weekly trips to the dog park are also recommended as a way to socialize them with other dogs, just be sure to keep them on a leash. Depending on their age and size, Whippet breeds require around 25 minutes to an hour of physical activity a day.

Many Whippets also love to participate in obstacle and obedience events. This athletic breed frequently competes in rallies, agility runs, lure coursing, flyball chases, and obedience trials. These organized dog sports play a crucial role in maintaining Whippets in excellent shape.

Training a Whippet Dog

A Whippet puppy is naturally curious and tends to have high energy levels which may lead to them digging and chewing on things. While this naughty behavior can be cute as puppies, it should not be encouraged as it can continue into adulthood for dogs.

To avoid having your favorite pair of designer shoes getting chewed up, it’s best to enroll your Whippet puppy in training classes as soon as possible. Dog training is an important investment as it will prevent your Whippet from misbehaving when left on their own or when they’re around guests.

There are so many helpful online resources dedicated to educating pet owners on how they can encourage good dog behavior. If you’d prefer to have a professional involved, you can sign your dog up for a reputable and accredited training program. Training will also help your dog to be better socialized among other people and pets.

Patience is key when training your Whippet. Whippets are sweet and sensitive, so yelling at them or being overly negative may discourage them from continuing training.

Praise and positive reinforcement are two great ways to keep your Whippet motivated to complete their training. Whenever your dog completes a task correctly, treat them to a yummy snack or chew. Whippets who are trained at an early age tend to make happier adult dogs.

Whippet Dog Breed History

The history of the Whippet is intertwined with the working class’s need for recreation and competitive spirit. Originating in England, the Whippet breed has existed since the 18th century. The Whippet’s ancestors can be traced back to greyhounds, which serve as the foundation for numerous other breeds within the hound group.

During the Victorian era in England, Greyhounds were the standard dogs for racing. Breeders crossed them with long-legged terriers and other swift breeds to create canines capable of chasing down rabbits and other small vermin.

In the early days, working-class men would use these early Whippets for snap dog contests, where they competed to catch the most rabbits or mice in enclosed circles. They also engaged them in rag chase racing, an early precursor to modern lure coursing. Whippet racing soon became a beloved pastime during that era.

During this era of early dog sports, Whippets were given many nicknames, including “lightning rag dog” and the “poor man’s racehorse”. Dog owners of the time would then breed Whippets with the Italian Greyhound breed.

The Whippet made its way to America when English settlers brought it over. In 1888, the American Kennel Club (AKC) officially recognized the Whippet breed. Since then, these dogs have remained a highly favored breed.

Common Health Problems Found in Whippet Dogs

While Whippets are incredible, they are not immune to health issues. Like many other dogs, they have the possibility of encountering health issues throughout their lifespan. It’s recommended that owners educate themselves on potential health problems that affect Whippet dogs so they can better handle them.

Typically, Whippets have a life span of 12 to 15 years. It’s recommended that owners provide them with yearly checkups with an animal health professional to screen them for the following health issues:

Eye Diseases

Whippets are renowned for their sharp vision, making it critical to monitor their eye health to prevent conditions like Corneal Dystrophy. This eye condition causes cloudiness in the cornea, resulting in an opaque appearance. Early detection is key, as it is treatable and typically does not lead to blindness or discomfort unless left untreated.

Another possible eye health issue for this breed is Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA). This degenerative eye disease causes the cells in the retina to progressively deteriorate, often resulting in blindness. Because PRA is frequently inherited, dogs affected by this condition should not be used for breeding to prevent passing it on to offspring.


A dog with hypothyroidism will exhibit symptoms distinct from those with an overactive thyroid. Signs include weight gain despite reduced appetite, excessive shedding, lethargy, and elevated blood cholesterol levels.

Schedule an appointment with your veterinary expert for potential treatment if you notice any of these symptoms. While this health condition is not currently curable, it can be effectively treated with thyroid medication without affecting their lifespan.

Congenital Deafness

Congenital deafness in dogs can result from mutations or genetic defects occurring in the womb. This condition can manifest as deafness at birth or develop gradually in the weeks following birth. Fortunately, deaf dogs can still form loving bonds with their owners through dedicated specialized training.

Anesthetic Sensitivity

Whippet dogs do not process anesthesia as well as other dogs due to their low body fat. This is a unique condition as most canines in the hound group do not have anesthesia sensitivity. Discuss your concerns with a veterinarian if your Whippet will need to undergo any medical procedure that requires anesthesia.

Other Health Conditions

Obesity is a common issue with all dogs. Oftentimes, dog owners mistakenly overfeed their Whippet, causing them to move from a healthy weight to becoming overweight. Thankfully obesity in dogs is a highly preventable health issue.

It’s not uncommon for dogs to ingest things out of curiosity. Always keep toxic items out of your pet’s reach. If you suspect your Whippet has consumed something hazardous, immediately contact the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) Animal Poison Control Center for assistance.

How to Care for a Whippet Dog

One of the joys of adopting a Whippet rescue dog or puppy is buying all the cozy essentials to create a comfortable home. However, caring for a canine companion goes beyond providing basic necessities like providing them with a feeding bowl and sleeping bed—it’s about nurturing an unbreakable bond with them.

Before bringing your Whippet home, ensure that your back or front yard is secured with a fence that is five to six feet tall to prevent accidental escapes. If you’re ready to become the best Whippet owner possible, the following section will outline all the essential needs this breed requires.

Personal Space

The Whippet loves sleeping indoors, where it is safe from cold weather. The coat of this medium-sized dog does not give them protection from the cold, so be sure to give them a warm and cozy dog bed to rest inside your home.

Dogs tend to retreat to a place they feel safe during loud storms or fireworks. Investing in a dog crate or kennel can go a long way in making sure your pet feels secure.


Who doesn’t love to spoil their dogs? Buy your Whippet toys like frisbees and tennis balls to help them keep their high-energy levels in check.

To prevent harmful bacteria from forming or possibly infecting your Whippet, be sure to clean and sanitize their toys from time to time. It’s also important to note that chewing toys also make a great way for dogs to release stress.

Regular Checkups

Veterinary visits shouldn’t just be limited to vaccinations, spaying or neutering, or emergency situations. It’s important to meet with an animal health professional yearly to screen your dog for potential health issues. These regular checkups also provide an opportunity to discuss any questions or concerns you may have about your Whippet with the vet.

Nutrition and Feeding for a Whippet Dog

One of the most important aspects of Whippet care is nutrition. Make sure to do some research so you can select the best dog food brand for your Whippet. Regardless of what brand you select, be sure it is made with all-natural ingredients and free of preservatives.

Twice a day, you should feed your Whippet 1 to 1.5 cups of premium dry dog food. Remember to also provide them with fresh water throughout the day, especially during hotter months.

Although it can be tempting to treat your Whippet to some scraps, it can be harmful to them. Below are some foods that dogs should never eat.

  • Nuts: Nuts are naturally high in oils and fats, potentially leading to diarrhea and other digestion issues.
  • Chocolate: This tasty dessert is toxic to all canines because of its two ingredients, theobromine and caffeine. Humans can process these chemicals, but no dog breed can. Chocolate toxicity can lead to certain stomach health conditions like vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Dairy products: Dogs lack sufficient amounts of the lactase enzyme, which helps break down the lactose in milk. Feeding them milk or other dairy products can lead to digestive problems and diarrhea.
  • Onions, Chives, and Garlic: These three common household ingredients are toxic to dogs, especially if they are consumed in large amounts. If your Whippet eats one of the members of the Allium family, it may experience gastronomical issues. Keep these ingredients far away from your dog’s paws.

Great Foods For Dogs!

Not all human foods are toxic to dogs; in fact, some can provide them with added nutrition. If you’re feeding your Whippet a homemade diet, it’s essential to consult with a veterinarian to determine the healthiest foods to give to your dog. A well-balanced meal plan for dogs might include some of the following foods:

  • Limited Vegetables: Just like fruits, veggies are a healthy alternative to sugary dog treats. Bite-size carrots and cut celery are great examples of veggies that contain many healthy vitamins. If you are unsure about feeding a certain veggie to your dog, check online or consult with a vet.
  • Cooked Fish and Eggs: Canines can consume cooked eggs and fish; just go easy on the salt and spices. Cooked fish like salmon can provide your pet with healthy protein and omega-3 fatty acids. Eggs also provide your dog with vitamins, minerals, and proteins.
  • Fruits: Fruits are a great alternative for unhealthy dog treats. However, not all fruits are safe for them, so make sure you look up online whether or not a specific fruit is toxic for them. Blueberries and apple slices are excellent snacks for your Whippet because they are a rich source of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants.

Coat Color And Grooming

Unlike other dog breeds, the Whippet is not limited when it comes to coat colors. With unique spots and stripes, their short coat may be a combination of white, black, fawn, red, blue, and cream.

Dog grooming provides an excellent opportunity for you and your dog to connect. It’s recommended that you spend at least one hour a week grooming your dog. For those dealing with time constraints, there are many professional dog grooming services available as well.

Due to their short coat, brushing this dog is easy. Check out your local pet shop for pet-specific brushes or grooming gloves. During colder months, consider purchasing a dog vest or sweater to help them stay warm.

During your weekly grooming session, check your Whippet’s ears and eyes for any debris or signs of irritation. Additionally, consider purchasing a dog teeth cleaning tool to help maintain good oral hygiene for your pet.

Dog nail trimming is another key grooming habit to add to your routine. Long, untrimmed nails can impede everyday activities like walking, running, and jumping for your dog. You can introduce your pet to nail trimming during training.

Children And Other Pets

Whippets are gentle with children and have a naturally calm temperament. The Whippet’s small size prevents them from accidentally knocking over kids and makes them easy for children to pick up.

It is essential that children in the home are taught the proper way to handle a dog. Make sure to teach them not to pull on their tails or bother them while they are eating.

The Whippet, like other canines in the hound group, possesses a natural drive to chase small game. It’s inherent in their nature to pursue smaller animals such as rodents, rabbits, and cats. Despite socialization and training efforts, it’s often advisable to keep all smaller pets separate from your Whippet to prevent any potential chasing behavior.

Whippet Dog Rescue Groups

Sadly, many people do not realize what a large responsibility it is to take care of a Whippet, resulting in many people leaving this breed at a rescue or adoption center.  If you’re ready to add a Whippet to your home, consider adopting from one of the following rescue groups.

Whippet Rescue and Placement (WRAP): This rescue organization is made up of generous volunteers from all over the nation who dedicate their time to finding forever homes for these rescue Whippets. This non-profit also provides plenty of online resources on Whippets.

National Whippet Club of Canada: This organization offers a rescue program specifically for people in Canada who are interested in adopting or rehoming Whippets.

Whippet Dog Breed Organizations

If you feel confident that you have the time, patience, and resources to care for a puppy, consider adopting a Whippet from a reputable breeding organization. The American Whippet Club (AWC), officially recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC), is the largest breed organization in the United States. This group also has a dedicated rescue outreach program.

The AWC also provides helpful resources for those looking to learn more about the breed or discover great care tips. In addition to hosting regional events that bring together Whippet lovers and enthusiasts, they also provide a breeder directory to help potential pet owners locate reputable Whippet breeders.

More About The Whippet Dog

Did you know that a Whippet named Ashley and his owner Alex Stein pioneered disc dog as a sport after Wham-O, the frisbee company, witnessed their performance at Dodger Stadium during the 7th Inning Stretch in 1974? What a dog!The Whippet is one incredible dog breed and will make a treasured member of any family. We hope that his guide answered all your questions about adopting a Whippet and we hope you find your future furry best friend very soon!