Seven Perfect Times to Give Dogs CBD Dog Treats - Penelope's Bloom Pet CBD

Seven Perfect Times to Give Dogs CBD Dog Treats

CBD dog treats are great for helping your dog with a range of issues, from anxiety to joint pain to heart health and beyond. And as research on the subject of CBD continues, we expect even more uses for the beneficial compound to be discovered. But today, instead of focusing entirely on why to give your dog a CBD dog treat, let’s talk a bit about when it’s a good time to give your canine CBD treats.

1. Give Your Dog Treats With CBD Before You Leave the House

Lots of dogs suffer from separation anxiety, and while the worst cases are impossible to miss, it’s not always obvious just how your absence affects your pet. A dog doesn’t have to be engaging in destructive behavior to be feeling sad when you’re not around, and many dog owners have been surprised by video footage of their dog’s vocalizations when left alone.

Giving your dog (or dogs) Penelope’s Bloom CBD Dog Treats for Stress & Anxiety will help make the time apart less stressful, at least for the dogs. These CBD treats supplement the CBD with other safe, natural ingredients known for promoting calmness, and are made in different dosages for small and large dogs.

2. Give Your Pooch CBD Pet Treats Before Bath Time

If your dog gets tense around bath time, treats made with CBD for stress and anxiety, given around 30 minutes beforehand, will make this process smoother, as well. Instead of an upset pup pal making things more complicated (and messier!), you can have a calmer, happier, and cleaner dog.

We know our dogs are happier when they’re looking their best. But sometimes getting there isn’t a fun process for our dogs. CBD dog treats can help make grooming less stressful for both the dog and the person doing the grooming.

3. Give Your Dog a CBD Treat Before Going to the Vet

Situational stress is a real problem for some dogs, and while you can’t always avoid the situations, like going to the vet, you can make them less stressful for your pet. About 30 minutes before you leave for the vet’s office, give your dog one of our CBD Dog Treats for Stress. Make the drive there and the visit itself easier for your dog, yourself, and the veterinarian staff.

4. Give Your Dog a Treat at Bedtime

Humans aren’t the only ones who sometimes have trouble getting to sleep: Dogs do, too. Using CBD for dogs at bedtime can help establish a bedtime routine for your dog that helps your pet relax and rest through the night, instead of bothering you when you’re trying to get your own sleep. Giving your dog a CBD dog treat before bedtime can also be helpful for kennel training.

5. Give Your Dogs CBD Oil Treats When They Show Signs of Pain or Stiffness

If your dog is slowing down from age, and doesn’t seem to want to move around as much, try giving your dog Penelope’s Bloom CBD Dog Treats for Joint & Mobility health. CBD is a natural pain reliever as well as an anti-inflammatory, combining two properties often used together in commercial products for pain and stiffness.

These CBD dog products for pain are also made with supplemental natural ingredients to boost their effectiveness in managing your dogs’ pain and assisting with joint health. Your dog can have a higher quality of life, and you can enjoy the time you have with your pet more.

6. Give Your Dog a CBD Treat Before Traveling

Traveling with your dogs, particularly longer distances, can be stressful for everyone involved. Being stuck in a kennel in an environment like an airport can’t be much fun for dogs. Even a long-distance drive presents challenges for pets. Give your dogs CBD dog treats while traveling to help them, and yourself, have a much better time.

7. Give Your Dog a CBD Treat When You Want to Promote Heart Health & Immunity

Regular intake of CBD offers some health bonuses on its own, due to CBD’s interaction with your dog’s endocannabinoid system. Our CBD Dog Treats for Heart & Immunity take it further, adding supplemental ingredients making these soft chews a healthful treat for your dog, similar to a multivitamin for dogs. Packed with amino acids and antioxidants, these CBD dog treats are a great way to tell your dog how much you care.

Final Thoughts on CBD Dog Products

Let’s close our overview of CBD pet treats with a couple of helpful tips in shopping for CBD products for your dog.

Please Only Give Your Dog CBD Treats Made for Dogs

While CBD itself is safe for both dogs and humans, it is super important not to give your dog CBD products made for humans. Not all of the ingredients used in human-oriented CBD products are safe for your dog. At Penelope’s Bloom, all of our CBD Dog Chews are made specifically for dogs, with no harmful or toxic ingredients. We use only high-quality ingredients that we would feed to our own dogs.

Choose Organic CBD Dog Products

The quality of the CBD used in your dog product is important for their health, as well. Hemp plants, which give us the CBD oil used in our products, absorb a great deal from the soil that surrounds the plant. If that soil contains pesticides and other harmful chemicals, those toxins will show up in your dog’s biscuits. So, make sure to only purchase organic CBD treats and hard chews. Your dog will thank you!

CBD for Dogs: Exploring the Benefits of CBD for Your Dog - Penelopes Bloom CBD

CBD for Dogs: Exploring the Benefits of CBD for Your Dog

We’ve all been there as pet owners. Some kind of situation arises in which we wish there was something we could do for our dog to help them out, but we don’t know what the best course of action is for our pet. Maybe your dog is in a stressful environment or situation. Or, perhaps your dog is dealing with the aches and pains of aging. Maybe your dog has a hard time getting to sleep. Surprisingly, a lot of these pet issues have a common answer in CBD for dogs.

Increasing numbers of pet owners are finding success with CBD dog products these days. To understand why, let’s take a closer look at CBD and how it affects dogs.

What Is CBD?

CBD is the abbreviation for cannabidiol, an organic compound found in hemp plants. Unlike its more famous cousin, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD is not responsible for the “high” produced by consuming cannabis—particularly marijuana, which is a different form of cannabis from hemp. CBD does have a number of uses for health and wellness, stemming from its interaction with the body’s endocannabinoid system. Because of this, CBD hemp oil has become an incredibly popular health supplement for many people.

The Benefits of CBD Hemp Oil for Dogs

It turns out CBD helps dogs and other pets with similar issues, too. Quality CBD products for dogs, such as those sold by Penelope’s Bloom, are basically the same thing as CBD products for people, only made at a mg dose appropriate for a dog’s body, and with ingredients that are safe to feed your dog.

CBD has many applications that make it an ideal health supplement for dogs and other pets. Here are a few of the most notable CBD benefits for dogs. Please note that CBD has not yet been approved for medical use, so do not construe anything in this article as medical advice for your pet. If your dog or pet has a medical condition, please consult your veterinarian.

CBD Dog Products for Stress

Many dogs suffer from stress and anxiety. Your dog’s stress can manifest in separation anxiety caused by being left alone, or situational anxiety, such as a visit to the vet. Regardless of the cause of your dog’s distress, CBD can make a positive difference for your pet. The same calming effect some people seek from CBD works for dogs, too. Dog owners who have tried it typically report that their dogs are better able to handle these stressful situations if they’ve taken a CBD oil for dogs beforehand.

This even works in less common experiences for your pet, like loud thunderstorms or when neighbors are setting off fireworks during celebrations around New Year’s Eve or the Fourth of July. Not only does this help prevent damage to your home and property (dogs can certainly rip and shred when they’re stressed), but it also helps your dog have a happier life.

CBD for Pain and Stiffness

It’s heartbreaking when we see our dogs slowing down due to age. Some of this is just a natural part of your dog’s aging process. After all, who still has the energy and robust health of their youth deep into adulthood? But sometimes our beloved pets are uncomfortable moving, due to joint pain and muscle stiffness. That’s something CBD can help with.

CBD is effective at relieving pain as well as inflammation in dogs. If your dog is suffering from arthritis or simply experiencing pain or stiffness, an appropriately sized dose of CBD can be just the thing to help your pet feel better.

Other Benefits of CBD for Dogs

CBD’s calming qualities make it ideal for helping a nervous or overly energetic dog relax at bedtime. In fact, sleep support is one of the most common uses for CBD, both for people and dogs. Also, CBD’s anti-inflammatory effect can help relieve skin issues in dogs, such as rashes or dry, itchy skin. And CBD oil has uses for dogs in combating nausea and stimulating healthy appetite. As more research is conducted, we expect even more discoveries on how CBD for dogs (and CBD for cats!) is beneficial.

Is CBD Safe for Dogs?

CBD is non-toxic and is perfectly safe for use with your dog or other pets. In fact, CBD provides a wonderful natural alternative to many over-the-counter dog health products. CBD side effects rarely occur and when they do, they tend to be a result of the dog consuming much more than the suggested serving size (CBD mg). So, make sure to store your treats out of your dog’s reach.

CBD side effects can include dry mouth, drowsiness, diarrhea, and loss of appetite. CBD can also interact with some medications, so if your dog is taking medication, please consult your veterinarian before giving your dog CBD oil products. Also, make sure to only give CBD to adult dogs. CBD is not intended for use with a puppy.

Be Sure to Give Your Dog CBD Products Made for Dogs

It can be tempting to just give your dog the same things you consume yourself, but be careful. Just like many human foods aren’t safe to give your terrier or lab, CBD products for humans aren’t all necessarily designed for a dog’s system, and can sometimes contain ingredients that are dangerous for them.

For example, many human-oriented CBD products also contain THC. While this is fine for humans, THC in high enough concentrations is toxic to dogs (never give your dog a marijuana product!). Penelope’s Bloom CBD products for dogs are always made specifically for dogs, and do not contain unsafe ingredients.

Also, keep in mind that dogs differ from people in weight, body mass, and other factors that affect CBD bioavailability. CBD products for dogs are formulated for the proper CBD mg dose for a dog’s body.

What Kind of CBD Products Are Available for Dogs?

CBD products for dogs come in almost as many different forms as CBD products for the human market. There are CBD dog treats, CBD pet balm or cream for dogs with skin conditions, CBD pet tinctures that can be mixed in with your dog’s food or given directly, even CBD pet peanut butter. Depending on your dog, some of these choices may work better than others (we do find that pretty much all dogs love our CBD peanut butter).

When shopping for CBD for dogs, pay attention to CBD dosage size, as well as other active and inactive ingredients. Penelope’s Bloom offers many products in different strengths (CBD mg) for dogs of different sizes to ensure every dog gets what they need.

Is CBD Right for Your Dog?

Even if your dog never seems stressed or anxious, and isn’t suffering from pain, nausea, or a skin condition, your canine can still benefit from the many health and wellness benefits that come from taking CBD. Just make sure to keep an eye out for CBD oils, treats, and other products made with organic hemp and natural ingredients.

We think, once you’ve had a look at the many CBD pet brands out there, you’ll find that Penelope’s Bloom offers the best CBD products for dogs and other pets on the market. We want your dog or cat to live a happy healthy life, and our products are designed to help them do just that.

The Benefits of CBD for Cats - Penelope's Bloom CBD

The Benefits of CBD for Cats

More and more cat owners are turning to CBD for new ways to support their cat’s overall wellness, stress and anxiety, provide joint relief and for alternative all –natural pain relief.  Whether your cat is suffering with all or some of these symptoms at Penelope’s Bloom we have the perfect Cat CBD Oil to the rescue. A cat’s body, just like other mammals, have a system of receptors which interact with the compounds found in CBD oil to maintain balance in the body. Making CBD for cats a great option for helping your pet’s ailments.

There are many benefits of CBD oil for cats, very similar to the benefits CBD can provide to our dogs. One of the main uses of CBD oil for cats is helping reduce levels of inflammation within the body, which then leads to decreased pain. Allergies, chronic pain, arthritis, autoimmune disease, and diabetes, are all possible signs of symptoms associated with inflammation in the body. By addressing the inflammation, CBD oil for cats can potentially help many conditions that are ailing your pet. CBD is also neuroprotective which means CBD oil for cats can potentially help with conditions like seizures in our cats.

CBD For Cats With Anxiety

It can be difficult to identify if a cat is anxious compared most dog cases. Cats often react differently and are not as obvious with their symptoms.  Cats may even internalize stress. Signs to look for when identifying if your cat is anxious include hiding, decreased appetite, increased urination (often outside of the litter box).  Providing your kitty with CBD oil for cats will help ease symptoms and help your cat feel more comfortable while you identify what is causing the cat stress and anxiety. Our Cat CBD Oil is made exclusively for cats, is fast acting, and comes with an easy to use dropper. It has a delicious Wild Alaskan Flavor that cats will love.

CBD for Cats with Arthritis and Joint Pain

The discomfort from arthritis is caused by inflammation in the joints.  This can cause muscle stiffness, painful joint deterioration, and more. CBD supports symptoms of arthritis for cats because it has anti-inflammatory properties.   We want to offer a safe all-natural alternative to pain medications with the use of Penelope’s Bloom Cat CBD Oil. By soothing that inflammation within the joints, you can address the cause of the issue, and prevent current and future pain.

Penelope’s Bloom CBD Oil for Cats

Our CBD Oil for Cats is exclusively designed to soothe your cats aches and pains, help provide calmness and relieve stress, and provide pain support for other serious ailments including seizures, cancers, tumors and other degenerative diseases. Our CBD Cat Oil is an all-around tincture recommended as a daily part of your cats wellness regimen.  The ingredients include organic CBD Oil, Organic MCT Oil (for faster absorption) and Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil for the ultimate flavor and healthy fats. The salmon oil helps manage pain and other ailments with additional anti-inflammatory properties, the organic MCT oil hemp improved the health of the skin, maintain brain health and energy levels, and the high quality organic CBD oil helps do all of the above mentioned benefits. If you want to help reduce anxiety, improve your cats cognitive function, reduce cat pain natural, and improve cat health, look no further than Penelope’s Bloom Cat CBD Oil.

Administering CBD for Cats

The most effective method is administering Cat CBD oil directly to your cat’s gums. Lift your cat’s lip and place the dropper over the gums to allow the tincture to be absorbed. This will allow the CBD to bypass the digestive system and enter the bloodstream quickly.

The second method we recommend is adding the CBD oil into your cat’s food, or with treats.  This method may take longer to show effect, as it must pass through the digestive system before reaching the bloodstream.

If your cat absolutely refuses to ingest the CBD oil, the next best place is the hairless area on the underside of your cat’s ear. There are many of blood vessels in that area providing another method to bypass the digestive tract. You can also apply the oil to the cat’s paw pads. Paw pads have many blood vessels so the CBD can be absorbed into their body quickly.

What is Full-Spectrum CBD?

All Penelope’s Bloom products are crafted with Full-Spectrum CBD. What does this mean? Full Spectrum means that no cannabinoids were purposefully removed during our CO2 extraction process. When hemp is extracted in this way, it preserves the balance of the hemp plant’s many interdependent beneficial compounds. This natural synergy not only ensures a more effective product, but a safer one with less incidence of side effects. Full spectrum CBD oil is best for pets because it is more effective.

In conclusion

As a protective cat parent, it’s natural to ask, “Is CBD safe for cats?” The answer is a resounding “yes.” We do know that there are studies that show CBD appears to be as safe for cats as it is for dogs. But the bottom line is pretty simple: If your feline friend is suffering from any of the conditions CBD is traditionally used to treat, it can’t hurt to give it a try.

CBD: A Natural Pain Relief for Dogs and Cats - Penelope's Bloom CBD

CBD: A Natural Pain Relief for Dogs and Cats

As pet parents, we want the best for our pets at all times. If you are looking for natural pain relief for your pet, give Penelope’s Bloom CBD products a try.  Often times, when our dogs and cats are in pain, we do not always know what to do help them. Ever wonder, what can I give my dog for pain? Or what can I give my cat for pain? We do know we want to help alleviate their pain as soon as possible. Over the counter medications and NSAIDS often prescribed for pain because they are easily available and can treat pain quickly. Unfortunately, these medications do not get to the root of the problem and can damage organs and other areas of the body, while never really treating the pain, just masking it.  This may cause unnecessary side effects to your pet that you may not have to treat in addition to the pain.

CBD for Pain Management

Cannabidiol (CBD), one of the active elements of the cannabis plant, has been found to exert healing and wellness effects on all mammals.  CBD stimulates the endocannabinoid system, which helps rebalance the body. This system is known as the master regulatory system of our pets bodies. So if you have wondered what to give dogs for pain or what to give cats for pain, CBD offers safe, natural pain relief for dogs and cats, as an alternative to prescription pain medications. CBD and the other cannabinoids offer a wide variety of health-boosting benefits to help ease pain due to inflammation, injury, chemotherapy, age, arthritis, and hip dysplasia in dogs.

We now that inflammation is a symptom of most infectious diseases. If your pets have chronic inflammation, this can cause and advance many common diseases like chronic pain, arthritis, allergies, and autoimmune disease – all associated with inflammation. By reducing the inflammation, we are targeting the cause of the problem and helping with the pain.

CBD for Dogs with Arthritis and Joint Pain

Arthritis and joint pain can wreak havoc on our dog’s quality of life. CBD for dogs with Arthritis and joint pain can significantly increase mobility, decrease pain, and improve overall quality of life for your pet.

It can be extremely difficult to manage arthritis in dogs. Even normal physical activity like their afternoon walk can be extremely painful – they may stop walking and refuse to walk back home due to extreme pain. Often times, arthritis most frequently develops in the joint tissues of the shoulders and hips.

Arthritis is primarily found in older dogs, but can also be triggered by infection, or tissue deterioration due to inflammatory response from immune disorders for dogs at any age. This can eventually lead to loss of cartilage and tissue damage.

Benefits of CBD for Arthritis and Joint Pain

CBD has been used for thousands of years for healing joint paint. One of the ways it works is by helping change the way your pets central nervous system communicates to the pain receptors in their brain. CBD treats the cause of the problem and helps prevent the pain. This is why we recommend using CBD consistently with a wellness routine to ensure more effectiveness.

Research on CBD for Pain Management

A study conducted by Baylor College of Medicine found that CBD can significantly reduce pain and help increase mobility. Another recent study from the Cornell University  College of Veterinary Medicine found dogs given CBD showed significant improvement in pain relief and quality of life. Lead investigator Joe Wakshlag, DVM, Ph.D., DACVN, said that some dogs were initially so broken-down that their owners considered euthanasia, but that after just days on CBD they were trotting around and even climbing stairs.

Best CBD Dog Treats for Joint and Mobility

What are real dog owners saying about using CBD Dog Treats ?  Here are a few reviews of our Dog CBD Treats for Joint and Mobility.

Review 1

 Our 10 yr old Australian Shepard mix had been having mobility problems for a couple of years, getting progressively worse. We tried other joint mobility treats, but she refused to eat them. She loves the Penelope’s treats. There was a real improvement in her activity level within a couple of days. So great to see her moving around and playing again! This has been a life changer for her

Review 2

11 year old Lola has hip dysplasia. she has become slower getting up and occasionally develops a limp. bufferine seems to help, but is not something i want to give her everyday. before moving on to puppy narcotics, i decided to give Penelope’s Bloom CBD a try. I really think this has helped her quite a bit. she’s not as stiff getting up and is back to jumping on the bed. lola seems to enjoy the treats and takes them with no problem. customer service is also very helpful so give them a call if you have any questions/concerns. I recommend Penelope’s bloom.

Review 3

My dear sweet Gracie is putting on the years and it was starting to show terribly in these last couple years Now she is getting around almost like she was a puppy. I am SOOOO GRATEFUL to have found this product so her golden years will be grand and painless!! Thank you

Review 4

My 11 yr old dog started to have back leg difficulties and I searched the web for something to help. After much research, I found this product and I can say that In the month that she’s been taking then I’ve noticed an improvement in her. Her legs haven’t given out and I noticed she hasn’t winced when trying to jump. I will be continuing this treatment as I look forward to seeing more improvements with time.

CBD Products for Pet Pain Relief

Find all Penelope’s Bloom pet CBD products for pain relief here

Best Selling Product Reviews by CBD Incubator - Penelope's Bloom CBD

Best Selling Product Reviews by CBD Incubator

Dear pet owners,

If you’re looking for a reliable and effective CBD brand that will help keep your furry companions healthy, happy, and pain-free, then you can’t get much better than Penelope’s Bloom, a home-grown US brand founded on the principles of transparency, quality, and efficacy.

We got our hands on some of their best-selling products and sent them out for independent testing with some willing volunteers that had pets in need. Keep reading to find out what they thought in this honest Penelope’s Bloom review for 2022.

Penelope’s Bloom 2022 review summary

Like many great CBD brands, Penelope’s Bloom CBD was founded through a truly heartwarming story involving a gorgeous little French bulldog named (yes, you guessed it) Penelope.

When Penelope was just a pup she was diagnosed with a spinal condition, which caused a disc in her neck to rupture causing her chronic pain. Penelope’s physical and mental health quickly became a priority in her mom’s life and she started conducting rigorous research in order to find the best natural treatment for her moving forward, so that she might live a longer, healthier, and happier life.

It was at this point that Penelope’s adopted parent, Kerstin, was introduced to CBD and she was bowled over by just how much it was able to help Penelope’s condition. However, she didn’t find it easy to source clean, effective products, and immediately recognized a need for more high-quality CBD pet products on the market.

And so the brand Penelope’s Bloom was born, to help pet parents all over the USA access high-quality, clean, and affordable CBD products for their pets.


  • Highly effective CBD products for pets
  • Premium-quality, human-grade, organic ingredients
  • Third-party lab tested for potency and purity
  • Targeted products for mobility, anxiety, and immunity
  • Affordable prices
  • Thorough dosage information provided
  • Transparent business practices
  • Knowledgeable and caring customer service team
  • Fantastic customer reviews


  • Lab results for purity aren’t posted online
  • No CBD cat treats available (only oil and balm)

Penelope’s Bloom CBD reviews

Please note that the following Penelope’s Bloom reviews are not written by actual testers, since the pets involved in the trials didn’t speak human. For this reason, we asked their pet parents to share their opinions on how they thought the trials went.

They seemed to know their pets fairly well, so I can only presume them to be trustworthy sources. Anyway, here’s what they had to say.

Penelope’s Bloom CBD oil for cats

Hank, 12yrs, unknown breed (CBD oil for cats). Hank’s owner sent us this feedback:

“I have an elderly rescue cat aged around 12 years old. He has arthritis and was also diagnosed with kidney disease earlier this year.

Hank’s arthritis eventually prevented him from being able to come and go through a small, high-up window, so we had a cat door installed for him as he’s always liked being outside a lot.

I started to notice something else was up earlier this year as he suddenly didn’t seem to want to be outside as much as normal. He was sleeping a lot more, losing weight, and just didn’t seem like His usual sociable self.

He got a little better after I took him to the vet and got him some medication, but since I’ve been giving him CBD oil, he seems to have bounced back even more. His appetite has come back and he’s regained his lost weight (maybe a little more which is my fault) and his mobility has also noticeably improved (he’s not jumping through the window again but he is playing more).

I’m not sure what CBD does or can do for the kidneys, if anything, but I do like to think (hope) that he’s not in as much pain anymore.

I’m so glad I volunteered him for this trial and will definitely keep him on this CBD oil moving forward. I feel like we’re both going to be able to enjoy his twilight years much more now.”

Penelope’s Bloom CBD oil for dogs

Macy, 8yrs, Pitbull breed (CBD oil for large dogs). Macy’s owner said:

“Even at 8yrs old, Macy is extremely excitable (which the vet said could be anxiety) whenever we leave the house. She’s so chilled out at home, but is a total handful when she’s with my moms, jumping up at everyone and knocking things over.

She is trained and listens to me at home, but seems to be deaf when we’re out so I can’t ever take her off the lead or to the dog park because I’m worried of her running off.

Macy has had CBD before and in my opinion she responds incredibly well to it. To a point where she is much more focused, better behaved, and less anxious. I still wouldn’t let her off her lead at this point as it’s just been too long, but she is much better behaved when she’s at my moms now. She still runs and plays with her two doggy sisters, so it’s not like she’s doped up, but she’s just more relaxed and not annoying everyone constantly!

Thanks to Penelope’s Bloom CBD, she suffers from less anxiety and I suffer from less stress because of it!

This CBD oil isn’t flavored like the last one I tried, but I just add it to her food anyway so that doesn’t matter to me or her. She isn’t a fussy eater. In summary, this oil worked wonders from day 1 of giving it to her and I would definitely recommend it to others.”

Penelope’s Bloom dog treats

Sammy, 11yrs, Springer Spaniel X unknown breed (Penelope’s Bloom CBD dog treats – for mobility & joint support). Sammy’s owner said:

“These dog treats have made going for walks hilarious again, instead of tragic – she really has her spring back! Sammy was our first kid and it’s been upsetting to see her mobility get worse as she gets older as she’s always been so active. We have three dogs now and these treats have helped her get more involved in playtime on our walks again.

The only annoying thing is that the other two always want Sammy’s treats instead of their own!”

Penelope’s Bloom peanut butter

Brulee, 2yrs, West Highland White Terrier (Penelope’s Bloom CBD peanut butter). Brulee’s owner said:

I was getting complaints from neighbors about Brulee’s barking when I left him alone at home. I tried a bark collar a few months ago but he hated it and it upsets me to put it on him. I love to take him with me everywhere I go, but it’s just not always possible.

So, I really hoped CBD would be able to help. I chose the peanut butter so I could spread it on one of those puzzle mats and it worked perfectly.

Instead of barking out of the window at birds, he just licks away at the peanut butter, which he loves, and then when he’s finished he just lies down and sleeps. I’m not sure if it’s the distraction from me leaving, or the CBD, or both, but this CBD peanut butter has literally saved me from having to move house.

Penelope’s Bloom: A pet CBD brand you can trust

Here are just a few of the reasons why we fell in love with the Penelope’s Bloom brand.

Highly effective CBD products for pets

It was clear from the feedback after testing Penelope’s Bloom products that this brand is producing high quality and effective products across the board. Every single pet owner we spoke to was really impressed with the perceived results.

Plus, they’ve got tons of five star reviews online too, from past and present customers.

Mike R said “We have tried a couple different CBD treats for our pitbull with serious anxiety. These have worked the best and had the clearest dosing instructions. We are now monthly subscribers.”

Tara said “Highly fear aggressive dog calmed down – I adopted Prickly knowing he has a history of biting from fear aggression (severe abuse). I’m not taking about little nips, I mean scars on my hands from lacerations during our initial learning curve. Prickly was already on Reconcile (doggy Prozac) and still highly reactive. I started him on these CBD treats three weeks ago and the change in him in nothing short of amazing. He gets one every morning and we never skip a treat as part of us working together to help him feel safe in his new home. He’s happier, far less reactive, and is starting to come around for affection on his own terms. I’m ordering again, and this time subscribing for monthly orders so we never run out.”

Anon said “Joint + Mobility – Our 10 yr old Australian Shepard mix had been having mobility problems for a couple of years, getting progressively worse. We tried other joint mobility treats, but she refused to eat them. She loves the Penelope’s treats. There was a real improvement in her activity level within a couple of days. So great to see her moving around and playing again! This has been a life changer for her.”

Premium-quality, human-grade, organic ingredients

The team at Penelope’s Bloom put time and effort into quality ingredient sourcing and manufacturing to make sure you don’t have to worry about what’s going into your pet’s body. All of their natural ingredients are non-GMO, human-grade, cruelty-free, and organic (they partner with organic hemp farms in Kentucky).

Third-party lab tested for potency and purity

Penelope’s Bloom product quality doesn’t just shine through their premium ingredient sourcing, as, according to their website, they also have all of their products third-party tested at every stage of the production process. The tests ensure that the products are free from unwanted chemicals, heavy metals, and contaminants, as well as that they contain the right amount of CBD for your pet.

I found some lab reports online which verified their accurate CND potency claims and also showed that the products didn’t contain any foreign matter, but I didn’t see any evidence of the other tests online which is a shame.

Great product selection

Depending on how you want to give CBD to your pet, Penelope’s Bloom has a great variety of products for you to choose from. They have a variety of different strength tinctures available for cats and dogs (salmon flavor or a naturally flavored vegan variety). They also sell a CBD-infused balm that can be applied to sore noses, elbows, and paws, and a CBD-infused peanut butter that can be used as a treat on its own or added to other treats.

Best of all, in my opinion, are Penelope’s Bloom dog treats which come in three different formulas depending on your dog’s needs, whether it be for joint pain and mobility, anxiety and stress, or heart and immunity.

Affordable prices

My Penelope’s Bloom package arrived with exceptionally beautiful branding and packaging, so I was really surprised to see how affordable their prices are.

When I price-checked Penelope’s Bloom products against another leading pet CBD brand, I was shocked to find that Penelope’s Bloom was half the price! Well, at first glance both brand’s dog treats were priced the same, but then I noticed that Penelope’s Bloom treats contained double the amount of CBD, making them a much better deal overall.

Penelope’s Bloom CBD oil for dogs was also far more affordable and it also had double the amount of CBD in it.

I checked against another brand and the prices were about the same, but in this case, the other brand wasn’t organic, so I really do feel like you get a lot for your money with Penelope’s Bloom.

It’s great to find a brand that’s putting out top quality products, but not charging the earth for them.

Thorough dosage information provided

Finally, a company that provides precise dosing guidelines with every single one of their products online! So many companies will just say “take one dropper as needed” without telling you what’s in it or they’ll recommend a 5mg dose without telling you how to get there.

Penelope’s Bloom, however, tells you exactly which strength product you need, depending on the size of your pet. From there, they’ll also tell you exactly how much to give your pet and how much CBD that will involve.

I even checked their peanut butter (I thought I’d catch them out), but even that tells you how many spoonfuls will be best and how much CBD is in each spoonful, depending on the strength you bought. Very impressive guys!

Transparent business practices

One of Penelope’s Bloom founding principles was operating with transparency. As pet owners themselves, the team at Penelope’s Bloom understand the benefits of being open about the way their hemp is produced, how their products are made, and how their products are tested.

That way you can see exactly what’s in each product and how it got there, so all you have to worry about is the happiness and health of your pet.

Knowledgeable and caring customer service team

The customer service team at Penelope’s Bloom is really helpful and quick to respond to any questions, problems, or complaints, should you have any. They really know their stuff so, although they have lots of useful and interesting information available online, the team can also help you with product recommendations and dosing, if you can’t find the information you need.

A company that gives back

Having studied the ingredient lists and lab reports from Penelope’s Bloom, it’s clear to see that a lot of effort and thought goes into their formulations, but they also take great care in their branding and packaging.

Their products contain eco-conscious ingredients, their packaging is made with recycled materials, and the company also gives back to the community through collaborations with animal rescue operations. I love showing my support for kind, caring, and conscious companies like Penelope’s Bloom!


If you haven’t guessed by now, I was really impressed with the quality, effectiveness, and affordability of Penelope’s Bloom. As a loving pet owner, you want to make sure that you’re giving your fur baby the best, but finding the extra cash needed when your pet gets sick isn’t always easy.

If you’ve been wondering if CBD can help your pet, or already use another brand, I’d recommend switching it up and giving this brand a try. Penelope’s Bloom also offers a really good satisfaction guarantee, so you can try their products risk free!

Find the article here: Penelope’s Bloom CBD Review | 2022 Pet CBD Products (

CBD for Separation Anxiety in Dogs - Penelope's Bloom CBD

CBD for Separation Anxiety in Dogs

Does your furry friend get nervous when you leave the house? Are they extremely anxious when you’re not around? One of the most common talked about issues for pet parents is destructive behavior when dogs are left alone. Separation anxiety is a real issue for many pet parents and it can prove to be detrimental to your pet’s health and well-being. When helping a dog with anxiety, our goal with dog CBD oil is to resolve the dog’s underlying anxiety by teaching him to enjoy, or at least tolerate, being left alone. Dog separation anxiety has become more widely understood by dog lovers in the last few years and now we have the products and tool to help our furry friends through it. But what exactly is separation anxiety, and what causes it? Let’s explore.

What causes dog Separation Anxiety?

According to the Merck Veterinary Manual, dog anxiety can be caused by a variety of environmental factors, developmental, and lack of socialization. Here are some of the most common causes of dog anxiety:

  • Fear
  • Separation
  • Aging

Fear-related anxiety can be caused by loud noises – like thunder and fireworks, visual stimuli like bikes or skateboards, new or strange environments, specific situations — like the vet’s office, car rides or the groomers.

Separation- anxiety affects nearly one in every four to six dogs- around 20-40% of dogs are diagnosed with this behavioral issue. Dogs with separation anxiety are unable to find comfort when they are left alone or separated from their family members. This leads the anxious dog to urinate around the house, chew and destroy your furniture and even continue to bark for hours.

Age-related anxiety affects older dogs and can be associated with cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS). Just as with humans, as dogs get older they experience cognitive decline. Canine dementia can lead to changes in their awareness, learning, and most of all, their memory.  These changes are similar to the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease in humans and understandable can lead to confusion and anxiety.

Common Symptoms of Separation Anxiety

Urinating and Defecating:  Some dogs urinate or defecate when left alone or separated from their pet parents.

Barking and Howling: A dog who has separation anxiety may bark or howl when left alone or when separated from their pet parents. This kind of barking or howling is usually ongoing and begins when they are left alone

Chewing, Digging and Destruction: Some dogs with separation anxiety chew on objects, door frames, furniture, and anything else they can get their mouths on when left alone. They can easily injury themselves, like cutting their gums, breaking their teeth, scraping their paws and more.

Escaping: Some dogs go into flight mode and escape. This can also lead to injuries while they are trying to be escape artists

Pacing: Some pacing dogs move around in circular patterns, while others walk back and forth in straight lines.

Keep a close eye on your pets when you begin to notice any of the listed symptoms.  You may begin to notice, as your pet’s anxiety increases, that the symptoms will become more frequent and lead to more serious issues.  The most serious symptom that may come from anxiety is aggressive behavior. Aggressive behavior can slowly manifest into more serious acts.

How to Prevent Separation Anxiety

It is not always easy to identify the exact cause of the trigger for dogs with anxiety.  Here are things you can do as a pet parent to help alleviate and avoid some of the challenges.

Pay Attention:  You know your dogs the best. Pay close attention to their demeanor and body language.  You will begin to notice when they are anxious and uncomfortable and can then address it immediately.

Socialization:  This is extremely important and we can say this enough. Socialize your dog from a young age. Take them out, introduce them to people, new places, other dogs and animals.  Your dog will be more comfortable because they have had experiences outside of their home.

Exercise:  We all know the amount of well-being exercise brings for us humans, it does the same for our dogs. It is important for them to get physical activity which then helps stimulate their mental health too! This combination helps directly improve their anxiety and prevent future behavioral problems.

CBD for Dog Stress and Anxiety

Oftentimes, with extreme pet anxiety, pet parents may turn to anxiety relieving medications for their pets. Many medications may temporarily relieve the stress and anxiety symptoms, but in turn cause damages to the organs and other bodily functions. At Penelope’s Bloom we do not think you have to choose between making your pets happy while causing irreversible damages to their little bodies. We believe in taking a natural homeopathic holistic approach to your pet’s wellness starts with our best CBD Oil.  CBD works by interacting with the body’s Endocannabinoid System, which is responsible for maintaining homeostasis in the body. Within the brain, CBD can mimic serotonin by binding and activating your body’s 5-HT1A serotonin receptors. Often called the ‘happy’ chemical, these serotonin receptors are responsible for emotional balance. Not all CBD oil is created equally! At Penelope’s Bloom we harvest organic pesticide, solvent and metal free hemp.  Our CO2 Extraction method provides the safest and cleanest method of extracting the hemp from the plant.  Your pet’s safety and health is our number one priority. We provide a certificate of analysis for every product that is tested by an independent third party lab.

What is the best CBD for Stress and Anxiety?

We have a variety of products you can choose from to begin your pets journey to stress free.  Our number one Top CBD Stress and Anxiety treats are a big seller as they are delicious, drool worthy, and provide the ultimate relaxation.  Choose from two sizes 300mg (for small to medium breeds) and 600mg (for medium to large breeds). The treats are baked in small batches, for the ultimate quality control and crunch! Freshly baked locally in Los Angeles!

Your next option is our Best CBD Oil Tinctures that provide the ultimate stress relief and the fastest absorption method. The tincture includes an easy to use dropper for clear dosage. The tincture is not flavored as it does not include fake natural flavors or additives. Choose from a variety of sizes for all your pet’s needs!

Our newest addition is the Peanut Butter infused CBD for dogs! We love this product as it is a classic peanut butter snack that provides the maximum relaxing benefits for your dog! It includes all organic and clean ingredients like coconut derived MCT oil, small amounts of honey (this is a superfood for dogs!) and organic CBD. Be aware of ingredients like dextrose in other company CBD peanut butters! This is highly toxic and can cause a host of health problems like diabetes, weight gain and more!

CBD Dosage for Dogs and Cats

CBD for Arthritis and Joint pain

Dog arthritis and joint pain can really interrupt and impact a dog’s quality of life. One day they want to go on walks, play and run, and the next they begin to slow down and cannot move or function day to day. So how can you as a pet parent manage this? CBD for dogs with Joint pain, Joint stiffness and arthritis can significantly increase mobility, help decrease pain and help your pup’s overall quality of life.

Arthritis in Dogs

Joint pain, muscle spasms, and arthritis is almost inevitable with aging pets. These painful episodes can begin as early as 5 years young to a more senior dog. Sometimes joint pain and arthritis can be triggered by immune disorders, infections, or other ailments related to tissue deterioration. While arthritis can manifest itself in any part of a dog’s skeletal structure, it most frequently develops in the joint tissues of the shoulders and hips. It is not only painful for your pets; it can also be challenging to manage as a pet parent.

How can CBD help?

Penelope’s Bloom has a wide range of best-selling CBD products made exclusively for dogs with joint issues and challenges.  Our products for CBD for dogs include full spectrum CBD oil made with the highest quality hemp extract and made with non-GMO, organically grown, and pesticide-free hemp.  All products include human-grade organic and vegan ingredients and expertly tested by an independent, third-party lab for safety, potency and effectiveness.

CBD oil has many health benefits for dogs with arthritis and joint pain.  One of the first signs of arthritis is inflammation throughout the body where joints are weakening. For thousands of years CBD has been used for its pain relief properties. One of the ways it does this is by helping change the way the central nervous system communicates to the sensation of pain to the brain. Additionally, CBD has been known to reduce inflammation by working through the endocannabinoid system (ECS) and help managing and targeting the two most important factors of arthritis, pain, and inflammation.  

The best CBD oils and CBD Joint treats in the market are Penelope’s Bloom as they are exclusively made in the USA, prepared in small batches for quality control, include organic and human grade ingredients, and infused with essential vitamins and minerals. The best dog CBD oil tincture is formulated for pain and inflammation, includes an easy to use dropper, does not have additives or other flavors, and comes in many sizes available for dogs in all life’s stages. Additionally, the CBD includes MCT oil for additional healthy fats and essential pet vitamins to support dog joint health

Our top CBD dog chews for Joint pain have five star reviews all around from many pet owners as being the most effective pet CBD product they have used.  The treats were formulated to exclusively target joint pain, joint stiffness, arthritis and inflammation.  The CBD treats are baked slowly to ensure they retain essential vitamins and minerals to support and relieve joint pain, and include superfoods like turmeric to help sooth joints and provide joint support immediately. As a potent anti-inflammatory agent, turmeric is a top natural remedy for arthritis and joint pain. Additionally, turmeric helps the normal repair of connective tissue like cartilage and maintain cushion between the joints. A study published in 2014 looked at the effects of turmeric on human osteoarthritis patients. The study results reveal that supplementing with turmeric extract was just as effective as ibuprofen but with less unwanted gastrointestinal effects. Other key joint health ingredients include Glucosamine, MSM, and Chondroitin, vital to everyday health, strong muscles, and healthy joints. Overall, Penelope’s Bloom goes above and beyond the basic ingredients with adding the broader range of essential pet vitamins, pet superfoods, and of course best CBD oil to truly give the hips and joints the best support.  Choose from two concentrations 300mg and 600mg available for smaller and larger dogs. Dosage instructions are easy to follow and the customer service team is available to help anytime!

NSAIDs for Dogs with Arthritis

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are the preferred method for veterinarians who treat dogs with arthritis and joint pain. Some of the most common NSAIDs prescribed by veterinarians are Rimady, Dermaxx, and Carprofen. The issue with these medications is that they have been shown to cause further joint deterioration as well as some other serious side effects.

The way that NSAIDs alleviate the symptoms of arthritis is by inhibiting the production of enzymes that cause the inflammatory response. The issue is, as is the case with many single-target western pharmaceutical medications, that by totally inhibiting the production of one of the body’s important functional enzymes, you also inhibit all the necessary functions that enzyme controls.

The result is possible toxicity and damage to our pets’ vital organs. Evidence shows long term use of NSAIDs can negatively affect the healthy functioning of a dogs’ liver, kidneys and stomach.

Preventing Arthritis in Dogs 

How can you help your pet prevent arthritis?  Our recommendation is to get ahead of the curve. Take preventative health measures (just as we do for humans). Do not wait for arthritis and joint pain to affect your dog’s quality of life. Look for the signs, if you start seeing early stages that they are slowing down, look for a natural holistic approach like our Best CBD oils to reduce deterioration in their joints and boost their confidence to move again.

The amazing thing about using pet CBD to treat pain in our pets is the many other health benefits they will gain from a daily CBD routine. You will not only be helping their arthritis and joint pain but help boost their cardiovascular health, improve immune function and help promote brain function among many other positive effects.

CBD for Arthritis and Joint pain - Penelope's Bloom

CBD for Arthritis and Joint Pain

Dog arthritis and joint pain can really interrupt and impact a dog’s quality of life. One day they want to go on walks, play and run, and the next they begin to slow down and cannot move or function day to day. So how can you as a pet parent manage this? CBD for dogs with Joint pain, Joint stiffness and arthritis can significantly increase mobility, help decrease pain and help your pup’s overall quality of life.

Arthritis in Dogs

Joint pain, muscle spasms, and arthritis is almost inevitable with aging pets. These painful episodes can begin as early as 5 years young to a more senior dog. Sometimes joint pain and arthritis can be triggered by immune disorders, infections, or other ailments related to tissue deterioration. While arthritis can manifest itself in any part of a dog’s skeletal structure, it most frequently develops in the joint tissues of the shoulders and hips. It is not only painful for your pets; it can also be challenging to manage as a pet parent.

How can CBD help?

Penelope’s Bloom has a wide range of best-selling CBD products made exclusively for dogs with joint issues and challenges.  Our products for CBD for dogs include full spectrum CBD oil made with the highest quality hemp extract and made with non-GMO, organically grown, and pesticide-free hemp.  All products include human-grade organic and vegan ingredients and expertly tested by an independent, third-party lab for safety, potency and effectiveness.

CBD oil has many health benefits for dogs with arthritis and joint pain.  One of the first signs of arthritis is inflammation throughout the body where joints are weakening. For thousands of years CBD has been used for its pain relief properties. One of the ways it does this is by helping change the way the central nervous system communicates to the sensation of pain to the brain. Additionally, CBD has been known to reduce inflammation by working through the endocannabinoid system (ECS) and help managing and targeting the two most important factors of arthritis, pain, and inflammation.  

The best CBD oils and CBD Joint treats in the market are Penelope’s Bloom as they are exclusively made in the USA, prepared in small batches for quality control, include organic and human grade ingredients, and infused with essential vitamins and minerals. The best dog CBD oil tincture is formulated for pain and inflammation, includes an easy to use dropper, does not have additives or other flavors, and comes in many sizes available for dogs in all life’s stages. Additionally, the CBD includes MCT oil for additional healthy fats and essential pet vitamins to support dog joint health

Our top CBD dog chews for Joint pain have five star reviews all around from many pet owners as being the most effective pet CBD product they have used.  The treats were formulated to exclusively target joint pain, joint stiffness, arthritis and inflammation.  The CBD treats are baked slowly to ensure they retain essential vitamins and minerals to support and relieve joint pain, and include superfoods like turmeric to help sooth joints and provide joint support immediately. As a potent anti-inflammatory agent, turmeric is a top natural remedy for arthritis and joint pain. Additionally, turmeric helps the normal repair of connective tissue like cartilage and maintain cushion between the joints. A study published in 2014 looked at the effects of turmeric on human osteoarthritis patients. The study results reveal that supplementing with turmeric extract was just as effective as ibuprofen but with less unwanted gastrointestinal effects. Other key joint health ingredients include Glucosamine, MSM, and Chondroitin, vital to everyday health, strong muscles, and healthy joints. Overall, Penelope’s Bloom goes above and beyond the basic ingredients with adding the broader range of essential pet vitamins, pet superfoods, and of course best CBD oil to truly give the hips and joints the best support.  Choose from two concentrations 300mg and 600mg available for smaller and larger dogs. Dosage instructions are easy to follow and the customer service team is available to help anytime!

NSAIDs for Dogs with Arthritis

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are the preferred method for veterinarians who treat dogs with arthritis and joint pain. Some of the most common NSAIDs prescribed by veterinarians are Rimady, Dermaxx, and Carprofen. The issue with these medications is that they have been shown to cause further joint deterioration as well as some other serious side effects.

The way that NSAIDs alleviate the symptoms of arthritis is by inhibiting the production of enzymes that cause the inflammatory response. The issue is, as is the case with many single-target western pharmaceutical medications, that by totally inhibiting the production of one of the body’s important functional enzymes, you also inhibit all the necessary functions that enzyme controls.

The result is possible toxicity and damage to our pets’ vital organs. Evidence shows long term use of NSAIDs can negatively affect the healthy functioning of a dogs’ liver, kidneys and stomach.

Preventing Arthritis in Dogs 

How can you help your pet prevent arthritis?  Our recommendation is to get ahead of the curve. Take preventative health measures (just as we do for humans). Do not wait for arthritis and joint pain to affect your dog’s quality of life. Look for the signs, if you start seeing early stages that they are slowing down, look for a natural holistic approach like our Best CBD oils to reduce deterioration in their joints and boost their confidence to move again.

The amazing thing about using pet CBD to treat pain in our pets is the many other health benefits they will gain from a daily CBD routine. You will not only be helping their arthritis and joint pain but help boost their cardiovascular health, improve immune function and help promote brain function among many other positive effects.

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CBD for Anxiety and Stress in Pets - Penelope's Bloom Pet CBD

CBD for Anxiety & Stress in Pets

It is heartbreaking to see the distress from anxiety and stress in our pets. Oftentimes, pet parents feel hopeless and even begin to over stress themselves from trying to figure out how to help their pets in need. Stress and Anxiety in dogs can come from multiple factors that are out of our control. This includes but is not limited to separation anxiety, stress from environmental factors like thunderstorms, loud noises, a trip to the vet can trigger extreme anxiety and stress, a simple car ride can be overwhelming with dog car anxiety, dogs even have social anxiety amongst other dogs and people. Ever had complaints about your pet regarding the loud barking and howling? Can’t take your pet on a walk because they lunge and bark at other dogs? Is your pet damaging your furniture? Too many scratches on the door? These are just a few of the examples for pets with stress and anxiety.  We all know that stress is the number one cause of health issues for humans, it is the same for our pets.  It is not an easy thing to deal with dog stress and anxiety, but we are here to help you through it!

What are some of the causes of stress?

Sometimes, pets are born this way, while others learn to become anxious for other reasons like not enough social interaction, boredom, they can feed off of pet parents stress, insecurities, PTSD (yes! Dogs have great memories!), being left alone for extensive periods of time, not properly introducing to a new family member etc. We can go on and on.

What are some of the symptoms of Stress and Anxiety in dogs?

  • Aging can lead to confusing and dementia causing stress
  • Sudden aggressive behavior
  • Barking and crying when left alone
  • Scratching and digging at doors
  • Destroying furniture
  • Hyperventilating, panting and shaking
  • Accidents in crate or around the house
  • Excessive licking and chewing of paws
  • Destroying anything they can get their paws on

What are the body signs of Stress and Anxiety for dogs?

  • Shedding – most dogs normally shed, but stress increases shedding
  • Changes in body posture – dogs often tuck their tails, become rigid, ears may become rigid
  • Changes in eyes and ears – stress can lead to dilated pupils and rapid blinking
  • Changes in bodily function – just like people, when dogs are nervous they will have the sudden urge to go to the bathroom

CBD for Dog Stress and Anxiety

Oftentimes, with extreme pet anxiety, pet parents may turn to anxiety relieving medications for their pets. Many medications may temporarily relieve the stress and anxiety symptoms, but in turn cause damages to the organs and other bodily functions. At Penelope’s Bloom we do not think you have to choose between making your pets happy while causing irreversible damages to their little bodies. We believe in taking a natural homeopathic holistic approach to your pet’s wellness starts with our best CBD Oil.  CBD works by interacting with the body’s Endocannabinoid System, which is responsible for maintaining homeostasis in the body. Within the brain, CBD can mimic serotonin by binding and activating your body’s 5-HT1A serotonin receptors. Often called the ‘happy’ chemical, these serotonin receptors are responsible for emotional balance. Not all CBD oil is created equally! At Penelope’s Bloom we harvest organic pesticide, solvent and metal free hemp.  Our CO2 Extraction method provides the safest and cleanest method of extracting the hemp from the plant.  Your pet’s safety and health is our number one priority. We provide a certificate of analysis for every product that is tested by an independent third party lab.

What is the best CBD for Stress and Anxiety?

We have a variety of products you can choose from to begin your pets journey to stress free.  Our number one Top CBD Stress and Anxiety treats are a big seller as they are delicious, drool worthy, and provide the ultimate relaxation.  Choose from two sizes 300mg (for small to medium breeds) and 600mg (for medium to large breeds). The treats are baked in small batches, for the ultimate quality control and crunch! Freshly baked locally in Los Angeles!

Your next option is our Best CBD Oil Tinctures that provide the ultimate stress relief and the fastest absorption method. The tincture includes an easy to use dropper for clear dosage. The tincture is not flavored as it does not include fake natural flavors or additives. Choose from a variety of sizes for all your pet’s needs!

Our newest addition is the Peanut Butter infused CBD for dogs! We love this product as it is a classic peanut butter snack that provides the maximum relaxing benefits for your dog! It includes all organic and clean ingredients like coconut derived MCT oil, small amounts of honey (this is a superfood for dogs!) and organic CBD. Be aware of ingredients like dextrose in other company CBD peanut butters! This is highly toxic and can cause a host of health problems like diabetes, weight gain and more!

Is CBD Safe for Dogs and Cats?

Short answer is yes! Studies and reports consistently show just how safe it is to use for pets and humans. Using CBD for pets has minimal side effects, no risk of addiction, and it is impossible to injure a pet. It is a risk-free substance, however, it is important to note that pets should be taking pet products specifically and not a product designed for humans. Choose from a variety of our Penelope’s Bloom organic CBD products to begin your pet’s journey today!

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