Seven Perfect Times to Give Dogs CBD Dog Treats - Penelope's Bloom Pet CBD

Seven Perfect Times to Give Dogs CBD Dog Treats

CBD dog treats are great for helping your dog with a range of issues, from anxiety to joint pain to heart health and beyond. And as research on the subject of CBD continues, we expect even more uses for the beneficial compound to be discovered. But today, instead of focusing entirely on why to give your dog a CBD dog treat, let’s talk a bit about when it’s a good time to give your canine CBD treats.

1. Give Your Dog Treats With CBD Before You Leave the House

Lots of dogs suffer from separation anxiety, and while the worst cases are impossible to miss, it’s not always obvious just how your absence affects your pet. A dog doesn’t have to be engaging in destructive behavior to be feeling sad when you’re not around, and many dog owners have been surprised by video footage of their dog’s vocalizations when left alone.

Giving your dog (or dogs) Penelope’s Bloom CBD Dog Treats for Stress & Anxiety will help make the time apart less stressful, at least for the dogs. These CBD treats supplement the CBD with other safe, natural ingredients known for promoting calmness, and are made in different dosages for small and large dogs.

2. Give Your Pooch CBD Pet Treats Before Bath Time

If your dog gets tense around bath time, treats made with CBD for stress and anxiety, given around 30 minutes beforehand, will make this process smoother, as well. Instead of an upset pup pal making things more complicated (and messier!), you can have a calmer, happier, and cleaner dog.

We know our dogs are happier when they’re looking their best. But sometimes getting there isn’t a fun process for our dogs. CBD dog treats can help make grooming less stressful for both the dog and the person doing the grooming.

3. Give Your Dog a CBD Treat Before Going to the Vet

Situational stress is a real problem for some dogs, and while you can’t always avoid the situations, like going to the vet, you can make them less stressful for your pet. About 30 minutes before you leave for the vet’s office, give your dog one of our CBD Dog Treats for Stress. Make the drive there and the visit itself easier for your dog, yourself, and the veterinarian staff.

4. Give Your Dog a Treat at Bedtime

Humans aren’t the only ones who sometimes have trouble getting to sleep: Dogs do, too. Using CBD for dogs at bedtime can help establish a bedtime routine for your dog that helps your pet relax and rest through the night, instead of bothering you when you’re trying to get your own sleep. Giving your dog a CBD dog treat before bedtime can also be helpful for kennel training.

5. Give Your Dogs CBD Oil Treats When They Show Signs of Pain or Stiffness

If your dog is slowing down from age, and doesn’t seem to want to move around as much, try giving your dog Penelope’s Bloom CBD Dog Treats for Joint & Mobility health. CBD is a natural pain reliever as well as an anti-inflammatory, combining two properties often used together in commercial products for pain and stiffness.

These CBD dog products for pain are also made with supplemental natural ingredients to boost their effectiveness in managing your dogs’ pain and assisting with joint health. Your dog can have a higher quality of life, and you can enjoy the time you have with your pet more.

6. Give Your Dog a CBD Treat Before Traveling

Traveling with your dogs, particularly longer distances, can be stressful for everyone involved. Being stuck in a kennel in an environment like an airport can’t be much fun for dogs. Even a long-distance drive presents challenges for pets. Give your dogs CBD dog treats while traveling to help them, and yourself, have a much better time.

7. Give Your Dog a CBD Treat When You Want to Promote Heart Health & Immunity

Regular intake of CBD offers some health bonuses on its own, due to CBD’s interaction with your dog’s endocannabinoid system. Our CBD Dog Treats for Heart & Immunity take it further, adding supplemental ingredients making these soft chews a healthful treat for your dog, similar to a multivitamin for dogs. Packed with amino acids and antioxidants, these CBD dog treats are a great way to tell your dog how much you care.

Final Thoughts on CBD Dog Products

Let’s close our overview of CBD pet treats with a couple of helpful tips in shopping for CBD products for your dog.

Please Only Give Your Dog CBD Treats Made for Dogs

While CBD itself is safe for both dogs and humans, it is super important not to give your dog CBD products made for humans. Not all of the ingredients used in human-oriented CBD products are safe for your dog. At Penelope’s Bloom, all of our CBD Dog Chews are made specifically for dogs, with no harmful or toxic ingredients. We use only high-quality ingredients that we would feed to our own dogs.

Choose Organic CBD Dog Products

The quality of the CBD used in your dog product is important for their health, as well. Hemp plants, which give us the CBD oil used in our products, absorb a great deal from the soil that surrounds the plant. If that soil contains pesticides and other harmful chemicals, those toxins will show up in your dog’s biscuits. So, make sure to only purchase organic CBD treats and hard chews. Your dog will thank you!

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